An Afternoon Affair:

Pramita Mallick


“AN AFTERNOON AFFAIR” - a rare and unique series of musical afternoons with legendary musical exponent Smt Pramita Mallick on Sunday 12 June and Sunday 19 June 2016, featuring group workshops for Rabindra Sangeet and Brahmo Sangeet – and culminating in an informal and informative afternoon recital by the artiste.

The workshops were extremely educational and insightful with over 20 attendees learning 4 Brahmo Sangeets - 2 of which were composed by Tagore (Rabindra Sangeet) and 2 others, composed by other Brahmo composers. The second workshop on the 19th was followed by an informal music recital by the artiste where she shared some personal experiences and presented some of her favourite Tagore songs.

A similar workshop has been planned for Sunday 2 July 2017 - further details to be provided in due course.



JUN 2016